Fujiwara no Michinori

Fujiwara no Michinori (1106 – 1160), also known as Shinzei, was an aristocratic Confucian scholar and Buddhist monk in late Heian Period. He was one of the chief advisors to Emperor Nijō, and one of the chief allies of Taira no Kiyomori, particularly during the Heiji Rebellion of 1159. 

As the head of the leading faction at Court, Michinori enjoyed access to the emperor and other privileges which his rival Fujiwara no Nobuyori envied. In early 1160, Michinori’s ally Taira no Kiyomori left the capital with much of his family, thus providing Nobuyori’s faction (and his allies, the Minamoto clan) to make a move for power.

Nobuyori and the Minamoto set fire to the Sanjō Palace and abducted both Emperor Nijō and the cloistered Emperor Go-Shirakawa. They then turned on Michinori’s home, destroying it and killing all those inside, with the exception of Michinori himself, who escaped only to be captured in the mountains near Kyoto and decapitated soon afterward.