Minamoto no Yoriie

Minamoto no Yoriie (1182 – 1204) was the second Minamoto shogun in the Kamakura Period. Yoriie was the son of Minamoto no Yoritomo and Hōjō Masako.

Yoriie was born to Hōjō Masako at Hiki Yoshikazu’s residence in Kamakura. Hiki Yoshikazu’s mother had been the wetnurse to Yoriie’s father, Yoritomo, and Hiki Yoshikazu’s wife became the wetnurse to Yoriie. Yoriie became attached to the Hiki clan. He married Yoshikazu’s daughter, Wakasa no Tsubone.

When Yoriie’s father died in 1199, Yoriie, at 17, became the head of the Minamoto clan. In 1202, he was appointed shogun. His title, however, did not grant him any power for he was in the middle of a great power struggle between his grandfather Hōjō Tokimasa and his mother, Hōjō Masako. By 1204, he was stripped of his political power by Tokimasa.

As mentioned, Yoriie was close to Hiki Yoshikazu. When Yoriie became seriously ill, he discussed his succession with Yoshikazu. He suggested that he name his younger brother, Minamoto no Sanetomo, and his young child, Ichiman, to succeed him and that they would govern different parts of Japan. Hiki would be regent to the young Ichiman. Hiki suggested killing Sanetomo.

Their conversation was overheard by Hōjō Masako, who told Tokimasa. Tokimasa invited Yoshikazu to his home for a visit. There he had Yoshikazu assassinated. A clan war ensued and the Hiki were wiped out. Ichiman died, perhaps in a fire while he was in the burning Hiki residence.

Yoriie was forced to abdicate and was later assassinated at his home.

Sanetomo was named as his successor. Sanetomo was assassinated by Yoriie’s remaining son, Kugyō, who in turn was executed that very day.

Thus ended the rule of the Minamoto of the Seiwa Genji.